How to Make Your Old Content Fresh Again for SEO?

Content repurpose or content upgrading is still considered one of the best ways to empower the company SEO. The best SEO Company in Delhi use this tactic to gain visibility for certain pages as if you’re content matches to more recent and relevant searches, the higher its chances to rank in SERPs.

As per recent Google’s Freshness Update greater emphasis will be provided to the recentness of content specifically tied to areas like latest news, events, politics, celebrities, trends and more, specifically where the user is expected to want to know the most current information.

Content Freshness and Its Importance

Did you know what happens when a website tweaks old content a bit and changes the date on an article from 2014 to today?

What are the SEO benefits – and the consequences?

Most importantly, how do you keep “evergreen content” – content that’s meant to withstand the test of time – current and relevant year after year?

Upgrade Your Old Article

Let’s begin with a question:

Why to change article dates?

First off, as explained by Google’s Martin Split, it’s preferable to update an old page, rather than create a new one with very similar content.

The more recent content it is, it’ll grab the eyeball.

For example, a user is searching the latest technique of SEO. One content is posted on few days ago will grab the attention immediately as compared to that posted on few years ago. Isn’t it?

This means that the benefit of updating your content regularly is two-fold.

First, it appeals to users, because we naturally want to read the most current and up-to-date information.

This means date updates increase CTR, one of the essential SEO metrics.

Second, depending on the competitive vertical, the search engine itself might understand that being current is paramount.

Is it Possible to Change SEO article Dates Impact Your SEO Negatively?

When we’re talking about changing dates, we need to be conscious of two specific types for date update:

  • Changing the dates on the page itself.
  • Changing the date in the sitemap.

A recent comment from John Mueller seems to indicate that even a massive date update for individual pages won’t negatively affect SEO efforts.

How to Keep the Content Fresh Safely?

There are many factors that affect freshness, including the:

  • Frequency of your updates.
  • The amount of content changed.
  • Rate of new link growth.

Remember, the date an article is published is only one of these factors. Your content needs to be timeless, relevant, and valuable. So what the best SEO Company in Delhi do to repurpose your content for SEO

  1. Use the Same URL but Refresh the Date
  2. Add Live Updates to a Single Page
  3. Create New Pages from scratch with a new topic and then redirect it wherever needed.

No matter which strategy you choose, you need to remember that not every article is worth updating. Just focus on which is trending and repurpose that either by updating or redirecting.

To know how to gain ranking in just few months or to rank your business on Google SERP, contact us at Lunatic Devs.

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